screenwriter, director

Hungarian-born screenwriter and director Anna Luif (CH/H) studied film at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). During her studies, she wrote and directed several short fiction films. In 2000, her film SUMMERTIME won the Swiss Film Prize and over 20 international awards. She directed the feature films LITTLE GIRL BLUE, released in cinemas in 2003 after a successful festival tour, and MADLY IN LOVE in 2010.

Since 2006, she teaches at the ZHdK and from 2012 to 2022 was in charge of FOCAL's fiction production department.

2023 WHAT A LOSS FOR THE WORLD (NIECE) director, editor, clip
2018 BERN, BETHLEHEM scripts, with M. Lewinsky / SRF TV series
2018 LAST TEAR (NIECE) script, director, editor, music clip
2018 STILL ALIVE (NADJA ZELA) script, director, editor, music clip
2012 UN ONCLE D'AMÉRIQUE script, director, fiction short film
2010 MADLY IN LOVE co-writer script, director, feature film
2007 ST.HELVETIA (KUTTI MC) script, director, music clip
2006 I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR FREEDOM script, director, short film
2003 LITTLE GIRL BLUE script collaborator, director, feature film
2000 SUMMERTIME script, director, fiction short film
1998 DIEBE VOL 1-3 script collaborator, director (degree film)